Screenshot of “Legend of Feleria” video game

The Legend of Feleria

Version 1.1.0, released

Do you believe in life on other screens? I just can’t believe that in the entire universe, this is only screen with intelligent life.

Could you live in a 1920×1080 box for the rest of your life?

A game made in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 31, with the theme “Entire Game on One Screen”. Code, sound effects, music, art, and levels were all created during the competition, following the stricter 48-hour version of the rules. The game is pretty short—one may even say unfinished—but I thoroughly enjoyed making it, and I look forward to playing all of your games too.

Binaries for Linux are known to be a difficult problem. If you are adventurous, you can compile for Linux. You will need to use the --recursive option when checking out the source code with Git, and you will also need Python 3.x. It will run on systems with OpenGL 3.0 or higher, and has been tested on Mesa.
